Sunday, October 13, 2013

Top 5: New Toonami Shows

Last time, I took a trip down memory lane with a list of my five favorite shows that were on Toonami back when it was on Cartoon Network. Today, I'm going to do a list of my favorite shows from "new Toonami". Now, I have not missed a night of Toonami since it returned back in May 2012 (DVRs are an awesome invention), and I've made it a thing to watch the entire night. This was a tough list, as the number of great shows vastly outweighs the number of bad shows that have been on Toonami since 2012, but I got it down to five. Here's my top 5 new Toonami shows.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Top 5: Classic Toonami Shows

It's been quite awhile since I last posted (almost five months), and quite a bit has happened in both my life and Toonami in that time. For me, getting ready for college during my senior year of high school is quite the ordeal. Enough about that, though. We're here for Toonami. Today, I decided to list my favorite shows from classic Toonami, or Toonami when it was on CN from 1997 to 2008. Let's get to it! One rule, though, they had to be shows that I watched during the original run of Toonami. Some shows, like Outlaw Star, IGPX, and Naruto, did air on classic Toonami, but I didn't watch them until after 2008.

Ah, the memories of days gone by...