Thursday, May 23, 2013

Review: Daft Punk's Random Access Memories

Wow, it's kinda been a few weeks since my last post. I guess that sort of thing happens when school gets busier at the end of the year. School is still pretty busy, so I'm gonna  write a shorter post for today. Since Daft Punk just released a new album, Random Access Memories, it might be fitting to have a little review of it, considering the duo's connection to Toonami.

So, what do I think about it? It's definitely nice to hear some new tracks from Daft Punk, but this album is less electronic-focused than their previous albums. Daft Punk collaborated with a whole list of other artists for this album, and as a result, I feel like that in most tracks Daft Punk act second fiddle to the other artist. The music is still very enjoyable, just don't expect it to be the most natural sequel to their earlier albums. As for my favorite track, I would have to pick the tenth track, "Motherboard", which also happens to be one of the two tracks on the album that was solely composed by Daft Punk.

Conclusion: Definitely worth a listen, but don't expect it to be another Discovery or Human After All.

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